Publikationen R Amann PDF 2024
Taxonomic and functional stability overrules seasonality in polar benthic microbiomes.
The Ellrott grab: A small, lightweight sediment sampler for collecting undisturbed sandy sediments.
Particle attached bacteria act as gatekeepers in the decomposition of complex phytoplankton polysaccharides.
Proteomic insight into arabinogalactan utilization by particle-associated Maribacter sp. MAR_2009_72.
Niche separation in bacterial communities and activities in porewater, loosely attached, and firmly attached fractions in permeable surface sediments.
Ecological success of extreme halophiles subjected to recurrent osmotic disturbances is primarily driven by congeneric species replacement.
Alpha-glucans from bacterial necromass indicate an intra-population loop within the marine carbon cycle.
Distinct actors drive different mechanisms of biopolymer processing in polar marine coastal sediments.
Genes for laminarin degradation.are dispersed in the genomes of.particle-associated Maribacter
Acidimicrobiia, the actinomycetota of coastal marine sediments: Abundance, taxonomy and genomic potential.