Publications R Amann PDF 2024


Ta­xo­no­mic and func­tio­nal sta­bi­li­ty over­ru­les sea­so­na­li­ty in po­lar bent­hic mi­cro­bio­mes.

Towards esti­ma­ting the num­ber of strains that make up a na­tu­ral bac­te­ri­al po­pu­la­ti­on.

The Ell­rott grab: A small, light­weight se­di­ment sam­pler for collec­ting un­dis­tur­bed san­dy se­di­ments.

Par­ti­cle at­ta­ched bac­te­ria act as gate­kee­pers in the de­com­po­si­ti­on of com­plex phy­to­plank­ton po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des.

Pro­teo­mic in­sight into ar­a­bi­no­g­a­lac­tan util­iz­a­tion by par­ti­cle-as­so­ci­ated Maribacter sp. MAR_2009_72.

Niche sep­ar­a­tion in bac­terial com­munit­ies and activ­it­ies in pore­wa­ter, loosely at­tached, and firmly at­tached frac­tions in per­meable sur­face sed­i­ments.

Bacterial chemolithoautotrophy in ultramafic plumes along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Ecological success of extreme halophiles subjected to recurrent osmotic disturbances is primarily driven by congeneric species replacement.

Alpha-glucans from bacterial necromass indicate an intra-population loop within the marine carbon cycle.

Distinct actors drive different mechanisms of biopolymer processing in polar marine coastal sediments.

Genes for laminarin degradation.are dispersed in the genomes of.particle-associated Maribacter

Acidimicrobiia, the actinomycetota of coastal marine sediments: Abundance, taxonomy and genomic potential.

Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination.

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