
Abstract Submission

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Deadline for abstract submission April 22, 2025!

Before submitting your abstract, please make sure that you have already registered and read the abstract guidelines and the conference code of conduct . 

If you require a letter of invitation for a visa, please contact us at [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

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Abstract Preparation Guidelines

Abstract must submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (.docx) or PDF file. All abstracts must be in English, using metric units. Do not include illustrations, figures, or photos. Use a single space between sentences.

The title of the abstract must be in title case and must not exceed 160 characters. The body of the abstract must adhere to a maximum word count of 250 words. This is exclusive of the abstract title and the author listing. Please make the abstract as informative and representative of your presentation as possible.

Every abstract will be considered equally.

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