
Things to do in Bre­men

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Our recommendation for things to do in Bremen

Bremen Guided Tour
Your gui­des will take you on an in­for­ma­ti­ve and en­ter­tai­ning walk through the old town of Bre­men with heart and mind. The his­to­ri­cal sights are all clo­se to­ge­ther here.

On the mar­ket squa­re, you will see, among other things, the ma­gni­fi­cent town hall and the sto­ne Ro­land sta­tue – a UNESCO World He­ri­ta­ge Site. And, of cour­se, you will vi­sit the world-fa­mous 'Bre­mer Stadt­mu­si­kan­ten'. Hold the don­key­'s brid­le with both hands, and may­be a wish will come true. Why with both hands? Ask your tour gui­de!
In Bött­cher­stra­ße, our “se­cret” main street, tra­di­tio­nal brick ar­chi­tec­tu­re and ex­pres­sio­nist ar­chi­tec­tu­re com­bi­ne to crea­te a to­tal work of art. Along the Schlach­te pro­me­na­de along the We­ser, you will reach the idyl­lic and win­ding Schnoor quar­ter.
>Book here.

Beck's Brewery Tour
Du­ring the three-hour tour of the bre­we­ry, which is now cal­led An­heu­ser-Busch In­Bev, you will learn in­te­res­ting facts about the art of brewing, the his­to­ry of the bre­we­ry and the Be­ck's and Haa­ke-Beck brands. The tour ta­kes you through the mu­se­um, the raw ma­te­ri­als room and the brew­hou­se, past the malt si­los, the fer­men­ting and sto­r­a­ge tanks and the bott­ling plant.

At the end of your bre­we­ry tour, you will take a seat in the guest room and a beer tas­ting will take place. You will be ser­ved three dif­fe­rent beers from the ran­ge. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, you are wel­co­me to en­joy non-al­co­ho­lic be­ver­ages. Cheers!
>Book here.

For more activities and attractions, click here.


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