Deep Ocean Symbioses

Meta­bolic in­vest­ig­a­tion of cul­tiv­able sym­biont re­l­at­ives


Over the last years, our omic ap­proaches have given us in­sights into the in­tric­ate re­la­tion­ship and meta­bolic in­ter­ac­tion between theBathymodiolushosts and their sym­bionts. To fully show that par­tic­u­lar pro­cesses take place, we ap­ply ma­nip­u­lat­ive ex­per­i­ments with sym­biont re­l­at­ives such asMethyloprofundus sedimenti, as cul­tur­ingBathymodiolussym­bionts re­mains chal­len­ging. By us­ing con­trolled in­cub­a­tion ex­per­i­ments and mass-spec­tro­metry based ana­lyses of the meta­bolome, we can meas­ure traits of theM. sedimentigen­ome that are shared with the meth­ane-ox­id­ising sym­biont ofBathymodiolusmus­sels. Not only can we identify pos­sible sub­strates but also ex­creted meta­bol­ites, which could po­ten­tially be avail­able to the host. Our over­all aim is to char­ac­ter­ize meta­bolic mark­ers linked to en­vir­on­mental con­di­tions to con­clude the re­cent his­tory of a spe­ci­men from the deep-sea with meta­bolo­m­ics data.

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