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21.01.2009 Cruise re­ports from Maria S. Merian

Sci­ent­ists re­port from the Ger­man Re­search Ves­sel Maria S. Merian about their cruise to the LOG­ATCHEV hy­dro­thermal vent field.
The Ger­man re­search ves­sel Maria S. Merian set sail from Las Pal­mas on the Ca­nary Is­lands with 14 sci­ent­ists, 8 ROV (re­mote op­er­ated vehicle) crew mem­bers and 23 crew mem­bers, to in­vest­ig­ate the Log­atchev hy­dro­thermal vent field at 14°45’ N, 44°58’ W on the Mid-At­lantic Ridge (MAR). This cruise is part of the Ger­man Sci­ence Found­a­tion’s Pri­or­ity Pro­gram “From Mantle to Ocean” (SPP 1144) in which sci­ent­ists are work­ing to­gether to bet­ter un­der­stand the geo­logy, chem­istry, and bio­logy of hy­dro­thermal vents on the slow-spread­ing MAR. We have sci­ent­ists from the Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy, the IFM-Geo­mar, the Uni­versity of Kiel, the Uni­versity of Ham­burg, the Jac­ob’s Uni­versity Bre­men, and the French CNRS (Bio­lo­gical Sta­tion of Ro­scoff) on this cruise.
ROV Kiel 6000
Har­bor test of the ROV Kiel 6000 in Las Pal­mas
MSM 10/3 (Jan. 11th – Feb. 13th, 2009)
1st weekly re­port from Nicole Du­bilier
1.Fahrt­bericht (eng­lisch)
2. Fahrt­bericht
3 .Fahrt­bericht (eng­lisch)
Last re­port
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