- Abteilungen
- Abteilung Biogeochemie
- Forschungsgruppe Biogeochemie
- Mitarbeitende
- Mertcan Esti
- Publications and Conferences
Publications and Conferences
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MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen
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3200 |
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Tschitschko, B., Esti, M., Philippi, M., Kidane, A.T., Littmann, S., Kitzinger, K., Speth, D.R., Li, S., Kraberg, A., Tienken, D. and Marchant, H.K., 2024. Rhizobia–diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean. Nature, pp.1-3. |
Yücel M, Esti M., et al. (2021). Anaerobic and Chemosynthetic Ecosystems in Turkish Deep Seas. In OZTURK H. & ALKAN G. (editors). Extreme Marine Environments of Turkey (pp. 1-27). TUDAV. |
Poster presentation at the 15th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, 2023, “Microbial Nitrogen Fixation in the Changing Ocean” |