

Biogeochemistry Group

Sten Littmann

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-6720

Sten Littmann



Two-Dimensional Mapping of Arsenic Concentration and Speciation with Diffusive Equilibrium in Thin-Film Gels
Sepúlveda, A.C., Metzger, E., Littmann, S., Taubner, H., Chennu, A., Gatti, L., de Beer, D. and Klatt, J.M.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, (21), 8107–8117,


The rate and fate of N2 and C fixation by marine diatom-diazotroph symbioses
Forster, R.A., Tienken, D., Littmann, S., Whitehouse, M.J., Kuypers, M.M.M. and White, A.E.
The ISME Journal 16, 477-487, DOI:


Niche partitioning by photosynthetic plankton as a driver of CO2-fixation across the oligotrophic South Pacific Subtropical Ocean
Duerschlag, J., Mohr, W., Ferdelman T.G., LaRoche, J., Desai, D., Croot, P.L., Voß,
D., Zielinski, O., Lavik, G., Littmann, S., Martínez-Pérez, C., Tschitschko, B., Bartlau,
N.,Osterholz, H., Dittmar, T. and Kuypers M.M.M.
The ISME Journal 16, 465-476, DOI:


Quantification of archaea-driven freshwater nitrification from single cell to
ecosystem levels
Klotz, F., Kitzinger, K., Ngugi, D.K., Büsing, P.,Littmann, S., Kuypers, M.M.M., Schink,
B. and Pester, M.
The ISME Journal 16, 1647-1656, DOI:


Methanosaeta and “Candidatus Velamenicoccus archaeovorus”
Kizina, J., Jordan, S.F.A., Martens, G.A., Lonsing, A., Probian, C., Kolovou, A.,
Santarella-Mellwig, R., Rhiel, E., Littmann, S., Markert, S., Stüber, K., Richter, M.,
Schweder, T. and Harder, J.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (7),


Purple sulfur bacteria fix N2 via molybdenum-nitrogenase in a low molybdenum
Proterozoic ocean analogue
Philippi, M., Kitzinger, K., Berg, J.S., Tschitschko, B., Kidane, A.T., Littmann, S.,
Marchant H.K., Storelli, N., Winkel L.H.E., Schubert, C.J., Mohr, W. and Kuypers,
Nature Communications 12, 4774,

  Terrestrial-type nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between seagrass and a marine
Mohr, W., Lehnen, N., Ahmerkamp, S., Marchant, H.K., Graf, J.S., Tschitschko, B.,
Yilmaz, P., Littmann, S., Gruber-Vodicka, H., Leisch, N. Weber, M., Lott, C., Schubert,
C.J., Milucka, J. and Kuypers M.M.M.
Nature 600, 105-109, DOI:
  Nitrate respiration and diel migration patterns of diatoms are linked in
sediments underneath a microbial mat
Merz, E., Dick, G.J., de Beer, D., Grim, S., Hübener, T., Littmann, S., Olsen, K.,
Stuart, D., Lavik, G., Marchant, H.K. and Klatt, J.M.
Environmental Microbiology 23(3), 1422–1435, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15345
  Conspicuous Smooth and White Egg-Shaped Sulfur Structures on a Deep-Sea
Hydrothermal Vent Formed by Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria
van Erk, M.R., Krukenberg, V., Jensen, P.B., Littmann, S. and de Beer, D.
Microbiol. Spectr. 9:00955-21, DOI: 10.1128/Spectrum.00955-21
  Assigning Function to Phylogeny: FISH-nanoSIMS
Katharina Kitzinger, Daniela Tienken, Sten Littmann, Abiel T. Kidane, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Jana Milucka
Methods in Molecular Biology, pp. 207–224.
2020 Crystalline iron oxides stimulate methanogenic benzoate degradation in marine sediment-derived enrichment cultures
David A. Aromokeye, Oluwatobi E. Oni, Jan Tebben, Xiuran Yin, Tim Richter-Heitmann, Jenny Wendt, Rolf Nimzyk, Sten Littmann, Daniela Tienken, Ajinkya C. Kulkarni, Susann Henkel, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Marcus Elvert, Tilmann Harder, Sabine Kasten, Michael W. Friedrich
The ISME Journal, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 965–980, nov.
  An intracellular silver deposition method for targeted detection and chemical analysis of uncultured microorganisms
Jasmine S. Berg, Alexander Khachikyan, Daniela Tienken, Sten Littmann, Marcel M.M. Kuypers, Jana Milucka
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 126086, may.
  Single cell analyses reveal contrasting life strategies of the two main nitrifiers in the ocean
Katharina Kitzinger, Hannah K. Marchant, Laura A. Bristow, Craig W. Herbold, Cory C. Padilla, Abiel T. Kidane, Sten Littmann, Holger Daims, Petra Pjevac, Frank J. Stewart, Michael Wagner, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, feb.
  The effect of sediment grain properties and porewater flow on microbial abundance and respiration in permeable sediments
Soeren Ahmerkamp, Hannah K Marchant, Chao Peng, David Probandt, Sten Littmann, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Moritz Holtappels
Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, feb.
  Nitrate respiration and diel migration patterns of diatoms are linked in sediments underneath a microbial mat
Elisa Merz, Gregory J. Dick, Dirk Beer, Sharon Grim, Thomas Hübener, Sten Littmann, Kirk Olsen, Dack Stuart, Gaute Lavik, Hannah K. Marchant, Judith M. Klatt
Environmental Microbiology, dec.
2019 Arcobacter peruensissp. nov., a Chemolithoheterotroph Isolated from Sulfide- and Organic-Rich Coastal Waters off Peru
Cameron M. Callbeck, Chris Pelzer, Gaute Lavik, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Jon S. Graf, Bram Vekeman, Harald Schunck, Sten Littmann, Bernhard M. Fuchs, Philipp F. Hach, Tim Kalvelage, Ruth A. Schmitz, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 85, no. 24, oct.
  Biopearling of Interconnected Outer Membrane Vesicle Chains by a Marine Flavobacterium
Tanja Fischer, Martin Schorb, Greta Reintjes, Androniki Kolovou, Rachel Santarella-Mellwig, Stephanie Markert, Erhard Rhiel, Sten Littmann, Dörte Becher, Thomas Schweder, Jens Harder
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 85, no. 19, jul.
  Direct Cell Mass Measurements Expand the Role of Small Microorganisms in Nature
Alexander Khachikyan, Jana Milucka, Sten Littmann, Soeren Ahmerkamp, Travis Meador, Martin Könneke, Thomas Burg, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 85, no. 14, may.
  Phosphate availability affects fixed nitrogen transfer from diazotrophs to their epibionts
Niels J. Schoffelen, Wiebke Mohr, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Julia Duerschlag, Sten Littmann, Helle Ploug, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
The ISME Journal, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 2701–2713, jun.
  Untangling hidden nutrient dynamics: rapid ammonium cycling and single-cell ammonium assimilation in marine plankton communities
Isabell Klawonn, Stefano Bonaglia, Martin J. Whitehouse, Sten Littmann, Daniela Tienken, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Volker Brüchert, Helle Ploug
The ISME Journal, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1960–1974, mar.
  Cell Architecture of the Giant Sulfur Bacterium Achromatium oxaliferum: Extra-cytoplasmic Localization of Calcium Carbonate Bodies
Sina Schorn, Verena Salman-Carvalho, Sten Littmann, Danny Ionescu, Hans-Peter Grossart, Heribert Cypionka
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 96, no. 2, dec.
2018 Single-cell imaging of phosphorus uptake shows that key harmful algae rely on different phosphorus sources for growth
Niels J. Schoffelen, Wiebke Mohr, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Sten Littmann, Julia Duerschlag, Mikhail V. Zubkov, Helle Ploug, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, nov.
  Insights into the Fundamental Physiology of the Uncultured Fe-Oxidizing Bacterium Leptothrix ochracea
E. J. Fleming, T. Woyke, R. A. Donatello, M. M. M. Kuypers, A. Sczyrba, S. Littmann, D. Emerson
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 84, no. 9, feb.
  Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria
Cameron M. Callbeck, Gaute Lavik, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Bernhard Fuchs, Harald R. Gruber-Vodicka, Philipp F. Hach, Sten Littmann, Niels J. Schoffelen, Tim Kalvelage, Sören Thomsen, Harald Schunck, Carolin R. Löscher, Ruth A. Schmitz, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, apr.
  Cyanate and urea are substrates for nitrification by Thaumarchaeota in the marine environment
Katharina Kitzinger, Cory C. Padilla, Hannah K. Marchant, Philipp F. Hach, Craig W. Herbold, Abiel T. Kidane, Martin Könneke, Sten Littmann, Maria Mooshammer, Jutta Niggemann, Sandra Petrov, Andreas Richter, Frank J. Stewart, Michael Wagner, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Laura A. Bristow
Nature Microbiology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 234–243, dec.
2017 Adaptability as the key to success for the ubiquitous marine nitrite oxidizer Nitrococcus
Jessika Füssel, Sebastian Lücker, Pelin Yilmaz, Boris Nowka, Maartje A. H. J. van Kessel, Patric Bourceau, Philipp F. Hach, Sten Littmann, Jasmine Berg, Eva Spieck, Holger Daims, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Phyllis Lam
Science Advances, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. e1700807, nov.
  Crenothrix are major methane consumers in stratified lakes
Kirsten Oswald, Jon S Graf, Sten Littmann, Daniela Tienken, Andreas Brand, Bernhard Wehrli, Mads Albertsen, Holger Daims, Michael Wagner, Marcel MM Kuypers, Carsten J Schubert, Jana Milucka
The ISME Journal, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 2124–2140, jun.
  Chemical microenvironments and single-cell carbon and nitrogen uptake in field-collected colonies of Trichodesmium under different pCO2
Meri J Eichner, Isabell Klawonn, Samuel T Wilson, Sten Littmann, Martin J Whitehouse, Matthew J Church, Marcel MM Kuypers, David M Karl, Helle Ploug
The ISME Journal, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1305–1317, apr.
  Microbial formation of labile organic carbon in Antarctic glacial environments
H.~J. Smith, R. A. Foster, D.~M. McKnight, J.~T. Lisle, S. Littmann, M. M. M. Kuypers, C.~M. Foreman
Nature Geoscience, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 356–359, apr.
  Intense biological phosphate uptake onto particles in subeuphotic continental margin waters
S. Sokoll, T. G. Ferdelman, M. Holtappels, T. Goldhammer, S. Littmann, M. H. Iversen, M. M. M. Kuypers
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 2825–2834, mar.
  Syntrophic linkage between predatory Carpediemonas and specific prokaryotic populations
Emmo Hamann, Halina E Tegetmeyer, Dietmar Riedel, Sten Littmann, Soeren Ahmerkamp, Jianwei Chen, Philipp F Hach, Marc Strous
The ISME Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1205–1217, feb.
  Cell-to-cell variation and specialization in sugar metabolism in clonal bacterial populations
Nela Nikolic, Frank Schreiber, Alma Dal Co, Daniel J. Kiviet, Tobias Bergmiller, Sten Littmann, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Martin Ackermann
PLOS Genetics, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. e1007122, dec.
2016 Cell-specific nitrogen- and carbon-fixation of cyanobacteria in a temperate marine system (Baltic Sea)
I. Klawonn, N. Nahar, J. Walve, B. Andersson, M. Olofsson, J. B. Sveden, S. Littmann, M. J. Whitehouse, M. M. M. Kuypers, H Ploug
Environmental Microbiology, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 4596–4609, nov.
  The small unicellular diazotrophic symbiont, UCYN-A, is a key player in the marine nitrogen cycle
Clara Martinez-Perez, Wiebke Mohr, Carolin R. Löscher, Julien Dekaezemacker, Sten Littmann, Pelin Yilmaz, Nadine Lehnen, Bernhard M. Fuchs, Gaute Lavik, Ruth A. Schmitz, Julie LaRoche, Marcel M. M. Kuypers
Nature Microbiology, vol. 1, no. 11, sep.
  Size and Carbon Content of Sub-seafloor Microbial Cells at Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Stefan Braun, Yuki Morono, Sten Littmann, Marcel Kuypers, Hüsnü Aslan, Mingdong Dong, Bo B. Joergensen, Bente Aa. Lomstein
Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 7, aug.
  Biofilms on glacial surfaces: hotspots for biological activity
Heidi J Smith, Amber Schmit, Rachel Foster, Sten Littman, Marcel MM Kuypers, Christine M Foreman
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, vol. 2, no. 1, jun.
  Environmental Breviatea harbour mutualistic Arcobacter epibionts
Emmo Hamann, Harald Gruber-Vodicka, Manuel Kleiner, Halina E. Tegetmeyer, Dietmar Riedel, Sten Littmann, Jianwei Chen, Jana Milucka, Bernhard Viehweger, Kevin W. Becker, Xiaoli Dong, Courtney W. Stairs, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Matthew W. Brown, Andrew J. Roger, Marc Strous
Nature, vol. 534, no. 7606, pp. 254–258, jun.
  Aerobic gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs mitigate methane emissions from oxic and anoxic lake waters
Kirsten Oswald, Jana Milucka, Andreas Brand, Philipp Hach, Sten Littmann, Bernhard Wehrli, Marcel M.M. Kuypers, Carsten J. Schubert
Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 61, no. S1, pp. S101–S118, jun.
  Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Frank Schreiber, Sten Littmann, Gaute Lavik, Stephane Escrig, Anders Meibom, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Martin Ackermann
Nature Microbiology, vol. 1, no. 6, may.
  In situ multiple sulfur isotope analysis by SIMS of pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pentlandite to refine magmatic ore genetic models
Crystal LaFlamme, Laure Martin, Heejin Jeon, Steven M. Reddy, Vikraman Selvaraja, Stefano Caruso, Thi Hao Bui, Malcolm P. Roberts, Francois Voute, Steffen Hagemann, David Wacey, Sten Littman, Boswell Wing, Marco Fiorentini, Matthew R. Kilburn
Chemical Geology, vol. 444, pp. 1–15, dec.
2015 N2-fixation, ammonium release and N-transfer to the microbial and classical food web within a plankton community
Birgit Adam, Isabell Klawonn, Jennie B Sveden, Johanna Bergkvist, Nurun Nahar, Jakob Walve, Sten Littmann, Martin J Whitehouse, Gaute Lavik, Marcel M M Kuypers, Helle Ploug
The ISME Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 450–459, aug.
  Light-Dependent Aerobic Methane Oxidation Reduces Methane Emissions from Seasonally Stratified Lakes
Kirsten Oswald, Jana Milucka, Andreas Brand, Sten Littmann, Bernhard Wehrli, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Carsten J. Schubert
PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. e0132574, jul.
  Use of carbon monoxide and hydrogen by a bacteria-animal symbiosis from seagrass sediments
Manuel Kleiner, Cecilia Wentrup, Thomas Holler, Gaute Lavik, Jens Harder, Christian Lott, Sten Littmann, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Nicole Dubilier
Environmental Microbiology, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 5023–5035, jul.
  Methane oxidation coupled to oxygenic photosynthesis in anoxic waters
Jana Milucka, Mathias Kirf, Lu Lu, Andreas Krupke, Phyllis Lam, Sten Littmann, Marcel MM Kuypers, Carsten J Schubert
The ISME Journal, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1991–2002, feb.
2014 Epifluorescence, SEM, TEM and nanoSIMS image analysis of the cold phenotype of Clostridium psychrophilumat subzero temperatures
Amedea Perfumo, Andreas Elsaesser, Sten Littmann, Rachel A. Foster, Marcel M.M. Kuypers, Charles S. Cockell, Gerhard Kminek
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 869–882, nov.
  Identification and activity of acetate-assimilating bacteria in diffuse fluids venting from two deep-sea hydrothermal systems
Matthias Winkel, Petra Pjevac, Manuel Kleiner, Sten Littmann, Anke Meyerdierks, Rudolf Amann, Marc Mussmann
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 731–746, oct.
2013 Responses of the coastal bacterial community to viral infection of the algae Phaeocystis globosa
Abdul R Sheik, Corina P D Brussaard, Gaute Lavik, Phyllis Lam, Niculina Musat, Andreas Krupke, Sten Littmann, Marc Strous, Marcel M M Kuypers
The ISME Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 212–225, aug.
2011 Improved particle location and isotopic screening measurements of sub-micron sized particles by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
P. M. L. Hedberg, P. Peres, J. B. Cliff, F. Rabemananjara, S. Littmann, H. Thiele, C. Vincent, N. Albert
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 406–413.
2009 Improved isotopic SIMS measurements of uranium particles for nuclear safeguard purposes
Y. Ranebo, P. M. L. Hedberg, M. J. Whitehouse, K. Ingeneri, S. Littmann
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 277.
2007 Petrology and isotope geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic anorthosite and related rocks of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia
K. Drüppel, S. Littmann, R.L. Romer, M. Okrusch
Precambrian Research, vol. 156, no. 1-2, pp. 1–31, jun.
2000 A petrogenetic study of anorogenic felsic magmatism in the Cretaceous Paresis ring complex, Namibia: evidence for mixing of crust and mantle-derived components
B Mingram, R.B Trumbull, S Littman, H Gerstenberger
Lithos, vol. 54, no. 1-2, pp. 1–22, oct.
  Oxide-sulphide relationships in sodalite-bearing metasomatites of the Epembe-Swartbooisdrif Alkaline Province, north-west Namibia
V. von Seckendorff, K. Drüppel, M. Okrusch, N. J. Cook, S. Littmann
Mineralium Deposita, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 430–450, jun.
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