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Forschungsgruppe Biogeochemie

Abiel Kidane

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-6050

Abiel Kidane


2021 Kitzinger K, Tien­ken D, Littmann S, Kid­ane AT, Kuypers MMM, Milucka J (2021) As­sign­ing Func­tion to Phylo­geny: FISH-nanoSIMS. In: Azevedo NF, Al­meida C (eds) Fluor­es­cence In-Situ Hy­brid­iz­a­tion (FISH) for Mi­cro­bial Cells. Meth­ods in Mo­lecu­lar Bio­logy, vol 2246.​10.1007/​978-1-0716-1115-9_13
2020 Kitzinger K., Marchant H.K., Bris­tow L.A., Herbold C.W., Pa­dilla C.C., Kid­ane A.T., Littmann S., Daims H., Pje­vac P., Stew­art F.J., Wag­ner, M., Kuypers M.M.M. (2020) Single cell ana­lyses re­veal con­trast­ing life strategies of the two main ni­tri­fi­ers in the ocean. Nature Communications 11(676).​10.1038/​s41467-020-14542-3

Kitzinger K., Pa­dilla C.C., Marchant H.K., Hach P.F., Herbold C.W., Kid­ane A.T., Kön­neke M., Littmann S., Moosham­mer M., Nigge­mann J., Pet­rov S., Richter A.,  Stew­art F.J., Wag­ner, M., Kuypers M.M.M., Bris­tow L.A. (2019) Cy­anate and urea are sub­strates for ni­tri­fic­a­tion by Thau­marchae­ota in the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment. Nature Microbiology 4(2): 234-243.​10.1038/​s41564-018-0316-2

Velasco-Acebes, J., Tornos, F., Kidane, A.T., Wiedenbeck, M., Velasco, F., Delgado, A. (2019) Isotope geochemistry tracks the maturation of submarine massivesulfide mounds (Iberian Pyrite Belt). Mineralium Deposita(2019) 54:913–934
Kidane, A.T., Koch-Müller, M., Wiedenbeck, M., de Wi, M.J (2017) Tracking sources of selected diamonds from Southern Africa based on carbon isotopic and chemical impurities.
South African Journal of Geology (2017) 120 (3): 371–384.



Kidane, A.T, Koch-Müller M., Morales, L., Wiedebeck, M., and De Wit. M. (2015). Carbon Isotope Ratios and Impurities in Diamonds from Southern Africa. EGU-Conference 17, Vienna, Austria


Rocholl, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Couffignal, F., Glynn, S., Kidane, A., Alonso-Perez, R. (2015). The micro-analytical Reference Material Programme at the Potsdam SIMS Laboratory. Geo-Analysis, Leoben, Austria.


Velasco-Acebes, J., Tornos, F., Kidane, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Velasco, F. (2015) Strontium and Sulfur Isotopes Reveal the Complex Evolution of the Sotiel-Migollas VMS Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt). Goldslchmidt, Prague, Czech Republic.


Velasco-Acebes, J., Tornos, F., Kidane, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Velasco, F. (2015) Micro-scale d34S Changes Track Complex Biogenic Sulfate Reduction in the VMS Deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. SGA, Nancy, France.


Wiedenbeck, M., Couffignal, F., Glynn, S., Kidane, A., Rocholl, A., Trumbull, R. (2015) Performance Capabilities of the Cameca 1280-HR SIMS instrument. Geoanalysis, Leoben, Austria


Rocholl, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Trumbull, R., Couffignal, F., Gylnn, S., Kidane, A. (2014). The GFZ Potsdam 1280-HR SIMS Laboratory – Current State. Meeting of the German Mineralogical Association, Jena, Germany.


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