Publications R Amann PDF 2020


Ex­ten­si­ve Mi­cro­bi­al Pro­ces­sing of Po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des in the South Pa­ci­fic Gyre via Sel­fish Uptake and Ex­tra­cel­lu­lar Hy­dro­ly­sis.

Road­map for na­ming un­cul­ti­va­ted Ar­chaea and Bac­te­ria.

Candidatus Ab­di­ti­bac­ter, a no­vel ge­nus wi­t­hin the Cryomorphaceae, thri­ving in the North Sea.

"Candidatus Ethanoperedens," a Thermophilic Genus of Archaea Mediating the Anaerobic Oxidation of Ethane.

Bac­te­rio­plank­ton re­veal ye­ars-long re­ten­ti­on of At­lan­tic deep-oce­an wa­ter by the tro­pic Se­a­m­ount.

Po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de ni­che par­ti­tio­n­ing of dis­tinct Polaribacter cla­des du­ring North Sea spring al­gal blooms.


Bak­te­ri­el­le Me­cha­nis­men der ma­ri­nen Po­ly­sac­cha­ridver­wer­tung.

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