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  • Max Planck Research Group Protist Virology

Max Planck Research Group Protist Virology

Group Leader

Matthias Fischer

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-7038

Matthias Fischer

The new Research Group Protist Virology was founded at our institute in January 2025. Under the leadership of Dr. Matthias Fischer, the researchers are investigating the biology of giant viruses and their parasites.

Vir­uses play an im­port­ant role in the en­vir­on­ment: They con­trol the health and growth of all or­gan­isms, in­flu­ence nu­tri­ent cycles, shift ge­netic in­form­a­tion and drive the evol­u­tion of their hosts. Vir­uses can be found wherever liv­ing or­gan­isms re­pro­duce - in salt and fresh wa­ter, in soil and sed­i­ments, even the at­mo­sphere con­tains aer­o­sols loaded with virus particles.

With the help of new tech­no­lo­gies, es­pe­cially the cost-ef­fect­ive se­quen­cing of DNA mo­lecules, it has been pos­sible to de­scribe an un­ima­gin­able vari­ety of vir­uses in re­cent dec­ades. We now know that a large part of the ge­netic reser­voir on our planet is stored in the gen­omes of vir­uses. However, ex­actly how in­di­vidual vir­uses have ad­ap­ted to their hosts and in­ter­act with their en­vir­on­ment re­mains largely un­known.

Eco­logy and evol­u­tion of vir­uses in uni­cel­lu­lar eu­k­a­ryotes

Mat­thias Fisc­her's team is try­ing to shed light on a very spe­cific group of vir­uses. These are so-called gi­ant vir­uses, which are com­par­able to bac­teria due to their size and the com­plex­ity of their gen­omes. The largest of them can be seen un­der a light mi­cro­scope and con­tain more than a thou­sand genes. So far, only a few gi­ant vir­uses have been de­scribed in de­tail. This is also due to the fact that they mainly in­fect eu­k­a­ryotic mi­croor­gan­isms. This group of or­gan­isms, also known as prot­ists, is an es­sen­tial com­pon­ent of eco­lo­gical food webs but, un­like bac­teria, has been re­searched very little.

"We are spe­cific­ally look­ing for new gi­ant vir­uses that we can mul­tiply along with their hosts in the labor­at­ory in or­der to study their in­fec­tion bio­logy," says Fisc­her. "We then trans­fer the find­ings from our lab stud­ies to the nat­ural en­vir­on­ment of these com­plex vir­uses. This way, we learn a lot about their re­pro­duc­tion strategies, but also about their eco­lo­gical and evol­u­tion­ary sig­ni­fic­ance."

As part of the newly fun­ded ERC pro­ject "CAPSOLU­TION", Fisc­her and his team will in­vest­ig­ate the struc­tural and ge­n­omic di­versity of gi­ant vir­uses in nu­tri­ent-poor moun­tain lakes. Over the next five years, the re­search­ers want to track down prot­ists and their vir­uses in high-moun­tain lakes in the European Alps. They will char­ac­ter­ize the nat­ural com­munit­ies of these mi­croor­gan­isms us­ing elec­tron mi­cro­scopy and Om­ics meth­ods and in­tro­duce new virus-host sys­tems into labor­at­ory cul­ture in or­der to in­vest­ig­ate spe­cific sur­face struc­tures of gi­ant virus particles.


Viro­phages as cell savers

An­other fo­cus of the new re­search group is on in­ter­ac­tions between gi­ant vir­uses and smal­ler viral para­sites, also known as viro­phages. Viro­phages of­ten mul­tiply at the ex­pense of the gi­ant vir­uses in the shared host, which weak­ens the pro­duc­tion of new gi­ant vir­uses. Since an in­fec­tion with gi­ant vir­uses is usu­ally fatal for the host, the host pop­u­la­tion be­ne­fits from viro­phages. Mat­thias Fisc­her's team was able to show that viro­phages in the mar­ine zo­oplank­ton spe­cies Cafet­eria burkhardae func­tion as a de­fense sys­tem against gi­ant vir­uses.

"It is a great priv­ilege for me to be able to con­duct our re­search at the Max Planck In­sti­tute in Bre­men," says Fisc­her. "With its col­lab­or­at­ive en­vir­on­ment, ex­cel­lent in­fra­struc­ture and in­ter­na­tional at­mo­sphere, the In­sti­tute provides us with ideal work­ing con­di­tions. I am very much look­ing for­ward to work­ing with the re­search­ers in Bre­men!"

Mat­thias Fisc­her stud­ied bio­chem­istry at the Uni­versity of Bayreuth and com­pleted his PhD in mi­cro­bi­o­logy at the Uni­versity of Brit­ish Columbia (Canada). He then re­turned to Ger­many, where he worked at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for Med­ical Re­search in Heidel­berg, first as a postdoc and later as a re­search group leader. Among oth­ers, he was awar­ded an EMBO Postdoc­toral Fel­low­ship and the Chica and Heinz Schaller Re­search Award.

The research object: Electron microscope false color image of a giant virus particle from a forest floor. © Ulrike Mersdorf & Matthias Fischer, MPImF
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