Dr. Chandni Sidhu


Department of Molecular Ecology

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen


+49 421 2028-9580

Dr. Chandni Sidhu

My research investigates the complex ecological processes underpinning the breakdown of algal polysaccharides by marine bacteria during North Sea algal blooms. While these blooms are often visually striking, they represent dynamic ecosystems where a diverse array of microorganisms interact with complex algal compounds. Beyond the well-studied carbon cycling, I explore the crucial roles of sulfur and nitrogen cycling in these microbial communities.

By employing advanced genomic, transcriptomic, and molecular techniques, I aim to unravel the genetic and biochemical mechanisms that enable bacteria to degrade these complex algal compounds, especially polysaccharides and organosulfonate compounds. This includes identifying specific enzymes and elucidating the metabolic pathways involved in the assimilation of released nutrients. These insights are essential for comprehending the involved interaction between bacteria and algal blooms, and their impact on nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the overall health of marine ecosystems.

In collaboration with other scientists, I extend my research to the Western Antarctic Peninsula, a region undergoing rapid environmental change. Here, I investigate the resource utilization strategies of bacterioplankton communities and their contribution to biogeochemical cycles. By examining the microbial interactions within these sensitive environments, we gain a deeper understanding of their role in shaping ecosystem dynamics, carbon sequestration, and their potential influence on global climate patterns. This research provides valuable insights into the resilience and adaptability of marine ecosystems in the face of climate change.



Fellowships and Awards

  • 2017-2012 - CSIR-UGC Junior and Senior Research Fellowship for PhD (Govt. of India)
  • 2017 - Travel Grant, Department of Biotechnology (DBT, Govt. of India)
  • 2017 - Best Poster Prize, International Congress on microbial interaction and applications of Beneficial microbes, Munich, Germany.
  • 2006 - Winner of Science fest on Interschool, Tehsil and District levels.


Peer recognition

  • 2024-present - Appointed to the Early-career Editorial Board of the ISME Journal
  • 2024-2026 - Appointed to the Early-career Editorial Board of mBio (ASM) Journal
  • 2023-present - Review Editor for Microbiome, Frontiers in Microbiomes (Environmental Microbiomes and Omics approaches), Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Marine Environmental Research, Polar Biology
  • 2024 - Invited talk, Alfred Wegener Institute - Coastal Summer School, Helgoland
  • 2024 - Invited talk, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
  • 2024 - Invited Conference talk, Marine Flavobacteriia Conference, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
  • 2023 - Interview with German Newspaper - Weser Kurier (Warum Wissenschaftler gefräßige Bakterien mögen)
  • 2023 - Poster Presentation, Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Boston, USA
  • 2022 - Poster Presentation, ISME18 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2022 - Invited talk, PCTE Group of Institutes, Punjab, India
  • 2016 - Poster Presentation, ASM13, Chandigarh, India


Organisation of Scientific Meetings

  • 2024 - Scientific Institutional visit to the DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, Germany
  • 2016-2018 - Hands-on training sessions for doctoral students, on handling Next Generation Sequencer – Ion Torrent
  • 2016 - Trainer in a National Workshop on “Bioinformatics Approaches on Genome Resources, Assembly and Annotation”, Chandigarh, India
  • 2013 - ASM13, Chandigarh, India


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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1386-1881

LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/chandni-sidhu-55331a155

X: @chandnisidhu

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