- Abteilungen
- Abteilung Symbiose
- Harald Gruber-Vodicka
Dr. Harald Gruber-Vodicka
MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen
Raum: |
2245 |
Telefon: |

Research Interests
Evolution, Function and Ecology of Marine Symbioses
My research focuses on the evolution, the function and the ecology of marine symbioses. I strive to test hypotheses and to gain a mechanistic understanding of the functions and processes in marine animal-microbe interactions. I am particularily interested in intracellular interactions and I use two main models, chemosynthetic symbioses in shallow water sediments and placozoans – microscopic benthic grazers on biofilms. In addition I develop bioinformatics tools to integrate molecular ecology and next generation sequencing.
Main research topics are
- Host - Symbiont fidelity
- Symbiont Function
- Host - Symbiont Interaction
- Reductive Genome Evolution
- Host and Symbiont Taxonomy
I have developed software that analyses metagenomes based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU) reads and reconstructs full length SSU genes from metagenomic data for all domains of life
phyloFlash - rapid reconstruction and phylogenetic exploration of SSU rRNAs from Illumina (meta)genomic or transcriptomic datasets
Please visit my personal homepage for more details: http://hgrubervodicka.weebly.com/
I have authored more than 40 publications covering intricate symbioses from several animal and protist phyla, expanding the known biodiversity and types of interactions. I heavily use and also published bioinformatic tools. For a full list of publications, please refer to my Google Scholar Profile