Grace Ho

PhD Student

MPI for Marine Microbiology
Celsiusstr. 1
D-28359 Bremen




+49 421 2028-9099

Grace Ho

About me

My general research interests lie in elucidating environmental niches of marine bacteria using in situ molecular biology techniques. My PhD thesis focuses on the enhancement of contemporary meta'omic studies using fluorescence labelling techniques such as FISH and fluorescence-labelled polysaccharides (FLA-PS) in conjunction with fluorescence-activated flow cytometry (FACS). This approach allows for the enrichment based on taxonomic or functional properties of the cell, in order to study the environment in a minimally manipulated state.

I have a particular appreciation for marine time series and during my short academic career, I have had the opportunity to sample and analyse data from Line P, Saanich Inlet, and Helgoland Roads. 

PhD topics

  1. Establishment of flow cytometry methodology for FISH-FACS proteomics (i.e. sorted proteomics), with the aim of linking functional proteins (especially CAZymes and TonB-dependent transporters) to taxonomic identity of spring bloom-responding bacterial species within the Helgoland Roads microbial time series. ¹
  2. Polysaccharide niche partitioning of marine Flavobacteria, particularly within the genus Aurantivirga (GTDB Nomenclature: SCGC-AAA160-P02)
  3. Application of sorted proteomics and FLA-PS to other ocean time series.

¹ Within the framework of POMPU. Read more about it here

Non-scientific activities

  • External PhD Representative of MPI-MM 2021-22
  • Former group coordinator of the PhDnet Equal Opportunity Group 2022-2024
  • Elected Representative within the newly established Diversity Council (MAX intranet)

Publication record

  • Traving, S.J., Kellogg, C.T.E., Ross, T.,McLaughlin, R., Kieft, B., Ho, G.Y., Peña, A., Krzwinksi, M., Robert, M., Hallam, S.J.Prokaryotic responses to a warm temperature anomaly in northeast subarctic Pacific waters.Commun Biol 4, 1217 (2021).

External links




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