Cur­riculum Vitae

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Cur­riculum Vitae - Nicole Du­bilier

since 2013Head of the De­part­ment of Sym­bi­osis (W3)
since 2012Pro­fessor of Mi­cro­bial Sym­bi­oses, Uni­versity of Bre­men
2007-2013Leader of the Sym­bi­osis Group (W2)
2004-2005In­vited Pro­fessor at the Uni­versity of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris France
since 2002Co­ordin­ator of the In­ter­na­tional Max Planck Re­search School of Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
since 2001Head of the Sym­bi­osis Lab of the Mo­lecu­lar Eco­logy De­part­ment
1997-2001Postdoc­toral fel­low at the MPI-MM in the DFG Pro­ject: "Evol­u­tion of sym­bi­oses between chemoauto­trophic bac­teria and gut­less mar­ine worms"
1995-1996Re­search As­so­ci­ate at the Uni­versity of Ham­burg in the BMBF pro­ject: "Hy­dro­thermal fluid de­vel­op­ment and ma­ter­ial bal­ance in the North Fiji Basin"
1993-1995Postdoc­toral Fel­low in the labor­at­ory of Dr. Colleen Cavanaugh, Har­vard Uni­versity, MA, USA in the NSF pro­ject "Biogeo­graphy of Chemoauto­trophic Sym­bi­oses in Mar­ine Oli­go­chaetes"
1992Ph.D. for Mar­ine Bio­logy (Dis­ser­ta­tion Title: Ad­apt­a­tions of the Mar­ine Oli­go­chaete Tu­bi­ficoides be­ne­dii to Sulf­ide-rich Sed­i­ments: Res­ults from Eco­physiolo­gical and Mor­pho­lo­gical Stud­ies.); Uni­versity of Ham­burg
1991-1993Re­search As­so­ci­ate at the Uni­versity of Ham­burg in the EC pro­ject 0044: Sulph­ide- and Meth­ane-Based Eco­sys­tems. Lead­ing par­ti­cipants of pro­ject: Dr. Olav Giere, Uni­versity of Ham­burg; Dr. Paul Dando, Mar­ine Bio­lo­gical As­so­ci­ation of the U.K.; Dr. Tom Fenchel, Uni­versity of Copen­ha­gen; Dr. Tasso Elefther­iou, In­sti­tute of Mar­ine Bio­logy of Crete.
1985Dip­lom in Zo­ology, Bio­chem­istry, Mi­cro­bi­o­logy, Uni­versity of Ham­burg
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