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Chris­ti­ane Nüsslein-Vol­hard-Found­a­tion

The Found­a­tion for the Pro­mo­tion of Sci­ence and Re­search sup­ports tal­en­ted young fe­male sci­ent­ists with chil­dren so as to give them the free­dom and mo­bil­ity re­quired for a sci­entific ca­reer.

The Found­a­tion seeks to help pre­vent the loss of out­stand­ing sci­entific re­search tal­ent. It is aimed at fe­male doc­toral and postdoc­toral stu­dents work­ing in a dis­cip­line be­long­ing to the ex­per­i­mental nat­ural sci­ences or medi­cine.


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