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- 05.02.2016 100 Eddy Kilometres
05.02.2016 100 Eddy Kilometres
Feb 5, 2016
100 Eddy Kilometres
Using seven autonomous measuring platforms, so-called ocean gliders, oceanographers from Kiel and Bremen for the first time managed to document the formation of a nearly 100-kilometer wide eddy off the coast of Peru. These eddies are important for the transport of oxygen, nutrients and heat through the oceans. Read the full-length GEOMAR press release here.
Using seven autonomous measuring platforms, so-called ocean gliders, oceanographers from Kiel and Bremen for the first time managed to document the formation of a nearly 100-kilometer wide eddy off the coast of Peru. These eddies are important for the transport of oxygen, nutrients and heat through the oceans. Read the full-length GEOMAR press release here.
Dr. Manfred Schlösser
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 704, mschloes(at)
Dr. Fanni Aspetsberger
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 947, faspetsb(at)
Dr. Manfred Schlösser
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 704, mschloes(at)
Dr. Fanni Aspetsberger
Telefon: 0421 2028 – 947, faspetsb(at)